Bariatric Transport

We provide a bariatric transport service which is designed to ensure a safe and dignified solution for individuals whose size, weight or condition is considered as “Bariatric”.

This can mean that they may require specialist transport. Our Bariatric service can be available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
We can provide support for a one-off journey for a patient or wait and return for an appointment regular service
Our service can enable those individuals with complex support needs to attend hospitals and appointments which they may otherwise be unable to attend.

Professional and caring staff

Our expert crews are trained in moving and handling and in the safe use of our standard and specialist equipment. They also complete a specialist training programme to ensure they are competent at managing the needs of a bariatric individual.
Our crews are always sensitive to the needs of the patient and their family, and are focused on delivering the very best possible patient outcome. Their priorities are to ensure that patient Safety, Comfort, Dignity, and Respect is maintained at all times.

We have developed safe systems of working and comprehensive risk assessments for all our bariatric work. These practises have been designed to offer an enhanced level of protection to our customers, our partner agencies, and our staff.